How to Optimize Your Tree Care Website for Conversions

Keyword research tools show that more than a million people search online for “tree services” every month. Out of these, approximately 77% are likely to visit tree care company websites that rank organically on search engines, while approximately 25% will click on Google ads related to the keywords. This means only one thing; search engine optimization (SEO) services can help your tree removal, tree trimming, tree pruning, and tree care business rank higher on search engines and generate quality leads for you. Let’s discuss how to optimize your tree care website for conversions.

Make your tree service website fast and responsive

People spend a lot of time on their smartphones. Mobile search has grown in popularity over the years, and any company that wants to generate online leads must invest in a mobile-friendly website. Also, make sure that your website loads quickly on all devices, from desktops to mobile phones and tablets.

Additionally, ensure that it can be viewed in a variety of browsers. As you work on this, make sure your tree care service website loads quickly because slow websites are a big turn-off for potential customers. A tree service marketing agency can help test the responsiveness of your website and make suggestions or correct any design flaws.

Optimize your SEO title tag and meta description

The title tag assists search engines in properly indexing your website. However, meta descriptions assist users in deciding whether or not to click on your link in the search engine results page. What can you do after search engines rank your website on page one to persuade the target audience to visit your website or contact you? The key is in the excerpt.

Use the 160-character meta description to include a keyword for search engines while also enticing your target customers to learn more.

Include clear contact details

Contact information should be consistent across the web. Ensure that the name, phone number, location, and email address are consistent across your website, social media pages, and online directories. This will not only improve your ranking but also make it easier for your target audience to find you. Include your exact location with a map on your website’s contact page to direct customers to your office. This will make you appear more genuine and increase your conversion rates.

Finally, if you can make it easier for people to contact you by offering a click-to-call option, you can generate more leads. Avoid requiring customers to visit a page and fill out a form in order for you to contact them. Provide a company phone number that they can call directly, as well as a WhatsApp bot or live chat service that allows them to interact with website visitors in real time. Respond to all of their questions as soon as possible to shorten the buyer journey and close sales more quickly.

Make the content on your website sticky

You want visitors to your website to stay long enough to take an action, such as downloading a free guide, filling out a contact form, calling your office, viewing the gallery, visiting other pages, following you on social media, or joining the email subscription list. Only high-quality content can assist you in accomplishing this. If creating relevant website content is a time-consuming task for you, consider partnering with a digital marketing agency to assist you in creating content that is both user-friendly and search engine friendly.

Local search engine optimization for your tree service business

A Google Maps local listing for your company can go a long way. Optimize your Google My Business page for local searches so that prospective customers can find your tree care company when they are looking for tree care businesses in your service area.

Include your local business on the pages of Bing Business and Yahoo Business. This will encourage people looking for a nearby tree service company to find your company, call your office number, send a business message directly from the search engines, visit your website, or even get directions to your office.

It will also make it simple for customers and anyone who has previously interacted with your company to leave reviews for your tree service. Google Guides’ user-generated content helps local businesses rank in their service area and generate leads.

Provide social proof

People want to see what you’ve done in the past, and having a presence on social media is a great place to start. Facebook, Twitter, Google My Business, Instagram, and LinkedIn are excellent places to socialize with your target audience and current clients. They will most likely check in, comment, and even share their testimonials, which will help you build credibility and persuade other customers to use your tree care service.

Google, Yelp, Angie’s List, and TrustPilot are also excellent platforms for providing your target customers with the social proof they require to make that purchase decision. It is difficult to trust a stranger, but reviews provide assurance that you are a professional who understands your work.

Voice optimization

People are busy, and the majority of website visitors now come from mobile phones or voice searches. Your prospective customers want to tell Google, Siri, or Alexa what to do as they go about their daily lives. If they see a dying tree on their way out of the garage, they want to keep driving and leave the rest to Google Assistant. Before hiring a tree service provider, optimize your content for voice by including all of the frequently asked questions.

Grow your tree care company with professional tree service marketing services. Partner with White Oak Digital

Digital marketing is not a simple task. You must understand and concentrate on what works. White Oak Digital is an internet marketing company that can help your tree service business generate leads and remain competitive. Call us to start your digital marketing journey today.


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